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Social buttons – use custom icon

Content Views Pro uses a set of icons for social networks. To use your own icons, please add this code to Custom CSS field in Content Views >> Settings page:

.pt-cv-social-buttons a {background-repeat: no-repeat !important; background-size: contain !important; background-position: unset !important;}
.pt-cv-social-facebook {background: url(YOUR_FACEBOOK_IMAGE_URL) !important}
.pt-cv-social-twitter {background: url(YOUR_TWITTER_IMAGE_URL) !important}
.pt-cv-social-googleplus {background: url(YOUR_GOOGLEPLUS_IMAGE_URL) !important}
.pt-cv-social-linkedin {background: url(YOUR_LINKEDIN_IMAGE_URL) !important}
.pt-cv-social-pinterest {background: url(YOUR_PINTEREST_IMAGE_URL) !important}

then replace above uppercase texts with the URL of your icons.

Best regards,

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