Live Filter helps you to show taxonomies, custom fields… as filter options, which allows your visitors to filter content in their way.
By default, the results are loaded on changing a filter option (select an option from dropdown, select a checkbox, select an option…)
To disable that behavior, and only loading results on click the “Submit” button, please add this code to Custom JS field (the right textarea) in Content Views >> Settings page:
/*Live Filter - disable loading results on changing filter option*/ var cvp_lf_loadonsubmit=function(){$("input, select",".cvp-live-filter").each(function(){$(this).data("nosubmit",!0)})};cvp_lf_loadonsubmit(),$("body").on("pt-cv-pagination-finished",function(){cvp_lf_loadonsubmit()});
(to show the Submit button, please check this document)
Best regards,