In case you used custom code to query posts, or used another plugin to get posts, you can use Content Views Pro to display these posts in a beautiful grid or list.
Here is the code you need to use:
$pids = array(); // #1: If there is existing variable contains array of post objects // Replace $posts by the existing variable if ( isset( $posts ) ) { foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $pids[] = $post->ID; } } else { // #2: If there is existing loop // Replace null by the query variable $query_obj = null; while ( $query_obj ? $query_obj->have_posts() : have_posts() ) : $query_obj ? $query_obj->the_post() : the_post(); $pids[] = get_the_ID(); endwhile; } // Replace VIEW_ID with the ID string of your grid/list View echo do_shortcode('[pt_view id="VIEW_ID" post_type="any" post_id="' . implode( ',', $pids ) . '"]');
Notice: Above code requires your knowledge of PHP.
Also, the view should NOT enable Live Filter or any kind of other filters, it should use default Filter Settings.
Best regards,