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Customize “Read More” text for each post

By default, you can customize the “Read More” text for all posts in View easily, using the built-in setting.
If you want to customize this text for each post, you can use simple steps below:

  • add new custom field:
    for posts which you want to customize the “Read More” text (click to read about how to add new custom field)
  • add this code to file functions.php of your active theme:
    // Content Views Pro - Customize "Read More" text for each post
    add_filter( 'pt_cv_dargs_others', 'cvp_theme_change_readmore_text_per_post', 999, 2 );
    function cvp_theme_change_readmore_text_per_post( $dargs, $post_idx ) {
    	global $post;
    	$meta = get_post_meta( $post->ID );
    	if ( !empty( $meta[ 'cvp_readmore_text' ][ 0 ] ) ) {
    		$dargs[ 'field-settings' ][ 'content' ][ 'readmore-text' ] = $meta[ 'cvp_readmore_text' ][ 0 ];
    	return $dargs;

Best regards,

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