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Collapsible List – custom style (color, border, etc.)

Change color of the + – icon

.pt-cv-collapsible .panel-heading span .glyphicon {color: YOUR_COLOR !important;}

Remove the border and box shadow around item

.pt-cv-collapsible .panel {border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important;}

Remove the border under the Title

.pt-cv-collapsible .panel-group .panel-heading+.panel-collapse .panel-body {border-top: none !important;}

Change the color of the border under the Title

.pt-cv-collapsible .panel-group .panel-heading+.panel-collapse .panel-body {border-top: 1px solid YOUR_COLOR !important;}

Rounded corners

.pt-cv-collapsible .panel {border-radius:5px !important}

Best regards,

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