Version 5.15

Content Views Pro 5.15 was released with some big new features for Blocks:

  • New: [Block] add “Live Filter” feature to blocks to show taxonomies, custom fields, text search as filtering options in front-end
  • New: [Block] add “Filter by Published Date” feature to blocks
  • New: [Block] add “Show Advertisement” feature to blocks
  • Some small fixes and improvements

Best regards,

Version 5.14

Content Views Pro 5.14 has been released with these changes:

  • New: [Block] implement “Filter by Custom Field” feature to query posts by custom fields in blocks
  • Update: [Block] able to sort by multiple custom fields in blocks
  • Update: when using relative path for “cvp_custom_url” field to set custom title, prepend the path with get_home_url() instead of get_site_url()
  • Fix: left padding of Readmore button in Pinterest layout (using view shortcode)

Best regards,

Version 5.13

Content Views Pro 5.13 included:

  • New: [Block] add “Custom Field” feature to show custom fields in blocks. Support any custom field plugins: ACF, Meta Box, Pods…
  • Fix: [Block] output and style when showing embed Video in Block Editor as thumbnail
  • Style tweaks for Pinterest, Scrollable blocks/layouts

Thank you,

Version 5.12

Content Views Pro 5.12 has been released with the following changes:

  • New: [Block] implement “Fields Position” in Block > Layout that can change the display position of fields by drag & drop
  • New: [Block] implement sort by custom field in blocks
  • Update: prepend WooCommerce regular price, sale price to the top of the custom fields list to select easier

Thank you,

Version 5.11

Content Views (free) version 3.0 was released. It introduced the Block module for the Gutenberg editor with 15 blocks and 75+ ready-to-use patterns. The Shortcode module still works normally.

Content Views Pro 5.11 has been released with:

  • New: add premium Gutenberg blocks, layouts, and patterns
  • Fix: Live Filter issue with slash or comma in the filter value
  • Update: include the ‘_OrganizerOrganizer’ custom field for The Event Calendar plugin
  • Other fixes and improvements

Thank you,

Version 5.10

Content Views Pro 5.10 includes new features and ready for the next WordPress release.

  • Ensure compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 6.2 (tested up to WordPress 6.2 beta 4)
  • New: add option to change the hover/active color of Live Filter elements
  • New: add round edge, circle styles to Pagination numbers
  • New: add round edge style to the Read more button
  • Update: improve output of Live Filter elements
  • Fix: title issue when trimming title that includes Unicode characters

Best regards,

Version 5.9.3

Content Views Pro 5.9.3 was released with these changes:

  • New: add option to show WooCommerce star ratings
  • Fix: prevent potential cumulative layout shift (CLS) issue of Pinterest layout in some cases
  • Fix: remove the page parameter from the single post URL when showing live filters and results in different places using shortcode parameter show=filter and show=result
  • Update: improve the accessibility of Submit, Reset buttons of live filter
  • Other improvements

Thank you,

Version 5.9.2

Content Views Pro 5.9.2 includes the following updates and improvements:

  • Update: when showing taxonomy terms as live filter options, able to hide taxonomy terms that the current user doesn’t have access to (restricted by the “Restrict Content Pro” plugin)
  • Update: add an option to enable line breaks when showing custom field value
  • Update: improve compatibility with the “Group” field of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin
  • Update: improve compatibility with some lazy load plugins (A3, Smush)
  • Other fixes and improvements

Best regards,

Version 5.9.1

Content Views Pro 5.9.1 were released.

  • New: able to translate dynamic texts (input fields in View settings) by WPML, Polylang plugins
  • Fix: compatibility issue with The Event Calendar 6.0.0 when sorting events by start/end date
  • Fix: images’s width issue when enabling both same size and overlay features in Safari browser
  • Other improvements

Thank you,


Content Views Pro includes many important improved updates and some fixes.

  • New: add an option to do WooCommerce ‘loop_item’ actions (of extensions and other plugins: quick view, wishlist, etc.) for each product in the grid/list
  • Update: the Lazyload feature defers the loading of offscreen images
  • Fix: prevent layout shift when enabling ‘Show images in same size’ or ‘Soft resize’
  • Fix: live filter output when enabling live filter for a custom field, also backend filter by that field
  • Fix: warnings and output issue when showing ads with ‘number of ads per page’ is set to 0
  • Update: able to show terms of the current post as output in the grid with [pt_view id=”VIEW_ID” terms=”GET_CURRENT”]
  • Update: when replacing layout of parent categories and showing child terms as output automatically, do not hide subcategories that are not assigned to any posts
  • Update: don’t split value by comma when filtering by custom field and use the Equal option for “operator to compare”
  • Update: reduce CSS size relates to datepicker style
  • Other fixes and improvements

Best regards,