Version 1.6.0

* New Feature: Hide empty custom field
* New Feature: Prepend sticky posts to beginning of output
* Bug fixed: Fix some bugs with Easy Digital Download
* Bug fixed: Fix warning with ACF select box
* Bug fixed: Editors still can see CVPro setting menu when set Administrator for “User role who can manage Views”
* Bug fixed: ‘No post found’ when reuses a View with a numeric term value
* Bug fixed: Can’t set background color for Scrollable list

Version 1.5.0

* Bug fixed: Critical bug which resets settings on front-end

Version 1.4.9

* New Feature: Enable to limit Title length (letters)
* New Feature: More options for Sticky posts (prepend to output)

Version 1.4.8

* Bug fixed: Override WP layout shows empty output
* Bug fixed: Scrollable’s transition does not look good in Safari
* Bug fixed: Pinterest layout is weird when click pagination button
* Improvement: Better responsive Pinterest layout
* Improvement: Re-arrange options for Scrollable List
* Improvement: Code refinement

Version 1.4.6

* Bug fixed: Items in view type are cut off height
* Bug fixed: Shuffle Filter – Match wrong terms if they contain a same string
* Improvement: Better Pinterest layout when browser resizes

Version 1.4.5

* Bug fixed: Layout is broken when overrides layout of WordPress
* Bug fixed: Layout of Shuffle filter list is broken
* Bug fixed: Dimensions of image was incorrect if that was image inside content of post

Version 1.4.4

* Bug fixed: Shuffle Filter has gap after sorting
* Bug fixed: Wrong ‘ago’ time of Timeline
* Bug fixed: Browser opens new tab in Firefox with ‘No action’ of ‘Open item in’
* Bug fixed: ‘Show content on hover’ display does not well if thumbnails have different dimensions
* New Feature: Order by Custom fields
* New Feature: Reuse a View – able to filter by multiple taxonomies
* Update: Don’t auto select ‘Or automatically set current page (or its parent) as Parent for the list’
* Update: Lightbox does not display well in mobile if width, height as 50% x 50%

Version 1.4.3

* Improvement: A very new customized Bootstrap style
* Bug fixed: Style settings of Title doesn’t work when select ‘None’ as ‘Open item in’

Version 1.4.2

* New Feature: Order by ‘Page Order’

Version 1.4.1

* Bug fixed: Show ‘custom-fields’ instead of name of custom field