* Bug fixed: Pagination does not work in page has more than 2 Pinterest Views
* Bug fixed: Blank space in layout which uses Shuffle Filter
* New feature: Able to display Social share links (Facebook, Twitter, Google +, LinkedIn, Pinterest)
* New feature: Able to set number of items per row in Mobile devices
* New feature: Include or exclude posts of children taxonomies
* Update: Resize thumbnail on the fly when ‘custom size’ is selected
* Update: Able to execute shortcodes before generating excerpt
Version 1.6.9
March 22, 2015* Bug fixed: Multiple paginations on same page do not work
* Bug fixed: Can not re-use a View
* New feature: Filter written/not written by current user
Version 1.6.8
March 12, 2015* Bug fixed: Does not display enough terms (“Display selected terms as output” feature)
* Bug fixed: “Line up fields” is broken when window resizes
* Bug fixed: Thumbnail is distorted in Tablet
* New feature: Get one post of each selected terms
* New feature: Able to set border-radius of buttons
* Update: Able to use Shuffle Filter with “Normal” Pagination
* Improvement: Force displaying higher dimensions on Mobile
Version 1.6.7
March 2, 2015* Bug fixed: RTL does not work
* Bug fixed: Pinterest layout does not display images on Mobile
* Update: Able to display only index of Glossary layout
* New feature: Able to display terms (category item, tag item…) as output
Version 1.6.6
February 15, 2015* New feature: Glossary list
* New feature: Able to get fields of current post
* Bug fixed: “Read more” button in Grid layout covers content area
* Bug fixed: Media Thumbnail is not shown if Thumbnail size is “Original resolution…”
* Update: Support ACF “Page link” field
* Update: Date format in Timeline is controllable with 2 options: human readable format OR WordPress format (default value)
Version 1.6.5
February 5, 2015* New feature: Able to display “Read more” as a link, not button
* New feature: Able to configure minimum width of Pinterest item
* New feature: Beautify name of custom field automatically
* Improvement: Enable assets (libraries, view types, common) compression
Version 1.6.4
January 26, 2015* Bug fixed: Googlebot doesn’t fetch Pinterest content
* Bug fixed: Color Picker doesn’t work
* Bug fixed: Repeater fields of ACF shows duplicated content
* New feature: Items on filter options bar will be sorted by their appearance in “Select terms” option when “Operator” is “IN” or “AND”
Version 1.6.3
January 20, 2015* Bug fixed: Pinterest layout is broken after paging
* New feature: Able to use Normal pagination (without Ajax)
* New feature: Excludes current post from View output
* New feature: [Advanced filter – Date] Able to display “Today and future” posts (no past posts)
* New feature: [Advanced filter – Custom fields] Able to display “Greater or Equal Today” posts (no past posts)
* New feature: [Pinterest layout] Able to hide bottom border of each fields
Version 1.6.2
January 11, 2015* Bug fixed: Pinterest layout is broken when pagination
* Bug fixed: Center layout disappears when resize window
* New feature: Able to Sort by order of appearance in “Common filters > In list”
* New feature: New option to set Nofollow for item links
Version 1.6.1
January 5, 2015* Bug fixed: Stripped content in Shuffle Filter list
* Update: Add ‘EXISTS’, ‘NOT EXISTS’ options to filter by Custom fields
* Update: Able to adjust Font settings for Regular pagination
* Improvement: Show human readable format (meta field)
* Improvement: Better Pagination style
* Improvement: Update descriptions and positions of setting options