* Bug fixed: Show ‘Edit Post’ button for all users
* Improvement: Don’t execute shortcode in excerpt automatically, update admin css, fix bug JS admin
Version 1.8.5
July 22, 2015* Bug fixed: Can’t translate strings
* Bug fixed: Text of social buttons display out of position
* New feature: Able to display nothing (video/audio) if no thumbnail found
* New feature: Custom CSS & JS box in Content Views Setting page
* Improvement: More correction in width of Pinterest item
* Update: Move position of “Style Settings” tab for best user experience
Version 1.8.4
July 11, 2015* Bug fixed: Lot of space between items in Shuffle Filter list
* Bug fixed: Can’t filter by value of Custom field
* New feature: Support Polylang plugin
* New feature: Able to display “Edit Post” button for each post in View
* New feature: Grid layout for Custom fields
* Update: Enable Content, Thumbnail… in Glossary list
* Update: Change name of Mobile_Detect class, to prevent bug ‘class existed’
Version 1.8.3
July 2, 2015* Bug fixed: Custom field does not show in Timeline layout
* Bug fixed: Can not set negative value for margin
* Bug fixed: Dropdown menu is hidden
* Bug fixed: Click Youtube video in No-action item causes error in IE
Version 1.8.2
June 14, 2015* Bug fixed: Pinterest does not work if parent element is hidden
* Bug fixed: Glossary heading is not ordered A-Z when add filter ‘glossary_title_to_extract’
* New feature: Add “Edit View” button to output of View
* Improvement: Add animation for displaying terms as output
* Update: Move “Text direction” to “Style Settings” tab
May 28, 2015* Bug fixed: Unwanted output is displayed in excerpt (caused by enabling filter)
* Update: Add option to enable/disable filter in excerpt
Version 1.8.1
May 26, 2015* New feature: Add option to display which (image or video/audio), if thumbnail not found
* Bug fixed: Translation does not work in excerpt
* Bug fixed: Number of “items per row” does not work well in Tablet
* Bug fixed: Can not redeclare class Mobile_Detect
* Bug fixed: Can not get Youtube embed video to display as thumbnail
* Update: Remove “Unload Colorbox” option in Settings page. Add filter as alternative solution
* Update: Disable “Don’t compress styles & scripts of CVPro”
* Update: Always open link of custom field in new tab/window
* Update: Re-generate .po file
Version 1.8.0
May 19, 2015* New feature: Display correspond output if custom field’s value is url, email, link to mp3 file, link to mp4 file
* New feature: Hide empty terms (which has no posts) in Shuffle Filter list
* New feature: Able to adjust “All” word in Shuffle filter list
* Update: More option for filtering by Custom fields
* Update: Restructure plugin’s core functions & variables
* Update: Use alt tag of post thumbnail for Pinterest sharing button
* Update: Remove special chars from Glossary header
* Bug fixed: Can not click on Glossary header in Preview panel
* Bug fixed: The collapsible list does not toggle when click on “+, -” icon
* Bug fixed: Shuffle filter does not work
* Bug fixed: Can not order posts by “In list”
Version 1.7.2
April 29, 2015* New feature: Able to change style of Woocommerce “Add to cart” button
* New feature: Add “Report bug” button
* Bug fixed: ‘array_replace’ Function undefined in PHP < 5.3
* Bug fixed: Can’t save Font style in Style Settings tab
* Bug fixed: Can’t save display order of selected terms
* Update: Update style & behaviour of pagination for Timeline layout
* Update: Update social link of Twitter, Pinterest
* Update: Execute shortcode in Excerpt
* Update: Decrease minimum item width of Pinterest layout
* Update: Better excerpt for Chinese content
Version 1.7.1
April 15, 2015* Improvement: Better responsive for mobile devices