Version 2.4.1

* Bug fixed: Can’t click on thumbnail on Mobile devices
* Bug fixed: Media thumbnail doesn’t work

Version 2.4

* New feature: Able to query Media files, any post types in a View
* New feature: Able to display select term as Heading of View
* New feature: Able to show social share count
* New feature: Able to query “in the past” posts by date custom field
* Bug fixed: Masonry does not work with pagination
* Bug fixed: Solve problems with category/tag name in non-latin languages
* Bug fixed: Timeline body part is empty when untick “Show Content”
* Improvement: Show loading icon before Pinterest, Masonry layout finished
* Improvement: Restructure Taxonomy custom settings
* Improvement: Better instruction for filtering by Custom field. Correct some condition of date value.
* Improvement: Add link to document “Filter by a Date Custom field”
* Update: [Hover animation] Improve hover animation on mobile devices
* Update: Custom fields – sanitize field name before adds as class name of custom field output
* Update: Modify CSS for custom fields
* Update: CSS for hover animation, Pinterest layout

Version 2.3

* New feature: [Hover animation] Show content block on click (on mobile devices)
* Bug fixed: Excerpt length does not work with Chinese, Japanese…
* Bug fixed: Error when filter by blank custom date/start date/end date
* Update: Use translation of Content Views free if Read-more text is ‘Read More’ (default text of this button)
* Update: Add filter “social_url”
* Update: Regenerate POT file
* Update: Some CSS modifications

Version 2.2

* Bug fixed: [for Ultimate Member plugin] “Content accessible to Logged Out Users” does not work
* Bug fixed: [Hover animation] Fix background height
* Bug fixed: Order posts by IDs in the list
* Bug fixed: “Uncaught query function not defined” for Select2 undefined
* Bug fixed: Shuffle filter doesn’t work when display custom fields of posts
* Improvement: More elegant UI for Fields settings
* New feature: [Hover animation] Able to always show Title without hover

Version 2.1

* Improvement: Better Masonry layout
* Bug fixed: Missing section in some one-page themes when put multiple View shortcodes to sections
* Bug fixed: Height of hover content box is incorrect when images on row have different heights

Version 2.0

* New feature: Masonry layout
* New feature: New animation effects for showing content on hover
* New feature: Shuffle filter uses fade out effect
* New feature: New option “Shadow” for Thumbnail style, which add shadow box to thumbnail
* New feature: Add Opacity for Color picker
* Bug fixed: Broken images when set custom sizes for thumbnail
* Bug fixed: Custom fields is clipped off in small window sizes
* Bug fixed: Can’t sort by Price of Woocommerce (ver 2.4.6)
* Update: Handle excerpt length of Chinese language
* Update: New system for updating plugin
* Update: More options for “Parent page”
* Improvement: Add default image when no thumbnail found

Version 1.8.9

* Bug fixed: “Operator to compare” is not saved after reload
* Bug fixed: Fatal error on PHP < 5.4
* New feature: Able to change Name/Label of custom fields in output
* New feature: Able to display random posts from list “Common filters” > “In list”
* New feature: Able to Force same width, height for Custom size thumbnail
* Update: Can filter by 2 custom taxonomy when reuse a View
* Update: Ignore sticky posts for non-builtin post types
* Improvement: Display large video (from value of custom field) in Mobile
* Improvement: Better output for Meta fields

Version 1.8.8

* New feature: Able to place ALL sticky posts at top of View
* New feature: Able to display colon after name of custom field
* Bug fixed: Distorted image in mobile when custom-size is enable
* Bug fixed: Exclude sticky post does not work
* Bug fixed: Height of Hover content block does not correct in Hidden tab
* Update: Support serialized value of custom field (support wp-types checkbox)
* Improvement: Teak HTML of Timeline layout
* Improvement: Update settings for Excerpt

Version 1.8.7

* New feature: Able to display content relevant to user’s role (supports Ultimate Member plugin)
* Bug fixed: Pinterest displays incorrect number of items per row after pagination finished
* Bug fixed: Height of content-hover box is little insufficient
* Bug fixed: Custom background does not work when displays Readmore text as link
* Update: Display image tag if custom field’s value is an image URL

Version 1.8.6

* Update: Big update to improve page performance
* Bug fixed: Show duplicated inline style of View on page
* Bug fixed: Items per row of Pinterest does not work well
* Bug fixed: Title has no link when enable “Edit Post” button
* Update: Append ‘future’ status automatically if querying by date ‘Today and future’
* Improvement: Reload Pinterest page if post’s content contains Iframe