Version 3.5.1

* Improvement: Better responsive output for One & others layout

Version 3.5.0

* Improvement: View dashboard revolution (more friendly Style Settings, simplify/remove/restructure text & description, improve display in Tablet)
* New feature: Show icon for Post format
* New feature: Custom format for Date custom field
* New feature: Can set Limit, Offset when reuse View
* Fix: Duplicated posts, show wrong number of posts per page when order randomly & enable pagination

Version 3.4

* New feature: Able to display taxonomy in special place
* New feature: Able to show author avatar on every layout
* New feature: Able to select what taxonomy to display terms in Meta fields output
* Improvement: [Pinterest layout] Remove “Minimum width” setting. Update responsive output for small screens.
* Improvement: [Pinterest layout] Restructure & update description of settings
* Improvement: [View dashboard] Able to toggle setting groups under “Fields settings”
* Update: Add option to hide prefix “in” (before terms), prefix “by” (before author name) in Meta fields output
* Update: Simplify description of some settings
* Update: Use flat button (border radius = 0) by default
* Tweak: Update some filter hooks

Version 3.3

* Bug fixed: Line up fields across items does not work when Shuffle Filter is enabled
* Improvement: Better function to resizing image to custom size
* Improvement: Better responsive output of One and others layout
* Improvement: Able to replace pagination of page while replacing page layout
* Improvement: Output of meta-fields in Timeline layout when Hover animation is enabled
* Improvement: How numbered pagination show/hide when Shuffle Filter is enabled
* Improvement: Able to show “Edit Post” on Collapsible list
* Improvement: Better responsive output for “Group filter options” type of Shuffle Filter
* Improvement: Style of Scrollable list, center “Text align”, “Edit Post” button, Shuffle Filter, WooCommerce products…
* Update: Prevent posts of child terms from being retrieved when Shuffle Filter is enabled
* Update: Disable “the_content” filter for manual excerpt
* Update: Use View ID in Shuffle Filter ID to easy management
* Update: Disable position setting for “Group filter options” type of Shuffle Filter

Version 3.2

* New feature: New layout “One and others” (sample)
* New feature: Able to set padding for each Item
* New feature: Able to reuse View by another post type, by author
* Bug fixed: Include posts does not work with ‘Any post types’
* Bug fixed: Warning messages relates to Twitter share count function
* Update: Reset Offset when reuse View
* Tweak: Change min-height of Pinterest item

Version 3.1

* Improvement: Improve performance by optimizing code
* New feature: [Woocommerce 2.4.8] Able to show Sale products with 1 single click
* New feature: [Woocommerce 2.4.8] Able to show Sale badge for products (sample)
* New feature: [Style Settings] Able to set background color for whole item
* New feature: [Style Settings] Able to set color, decoration for Tile on hover
* Bug fixed: [Woocommerce 2.4.8] Top rated products does not work
* Bug fixed: Images look distorted when use custom size
* Bug fixed: Custom color of content does not work in some themes
* Improvement: [View dashboard] Better descriptions for some settings
* Improvement: Update styles/scripts of Pinterest layout, custom field, pagination
* Update: [ACF] Show full image (instead of thumbnail image)

Version 3.0

* New feature: Shuffle Filter works with any types of Pagination
* New feature: [View settings] Able to search posts by Title in In list, Excludes settings
* New feature: [View settings] Intuitive button to exclude any post in preview panel
* New feature: Able to use “Hover animation” for all layouts
* New feature: Able to center fields in hover box vertically manually
* Bug fixed: Colorbox conflict with other plugins
* Bug fixed: Duplicated ID of multiple Shuffle Filter bars
* Improvement: More sexy Collapsible list
* Improvement: Little better Glossary list
* Improvement: Better style for multiple Shuffle Filter bars
* Update: Style for Masonry overlay, mobile devices, media thumbnail
* Tweak: Update description of some settings

Version 2.5.2

* Update: [Shuffle Filter] Able to select multiple options for Multiple Shuffle Filter
* Update: [Shuffle Filter] Able to use “Group filter options by Taxonomy” type for one taxonomy
* Update: [Extract image in post content] Supports WordPress gallery shortcode & custom image shortcode
* Improvement: Update styles for Shuffle filter dropdown, Collapsible list, pagination, Hover box

Version 2.5.1

* New feature: Able to filter by any taxonomies if Content type is ‘Any post types’
* Bug fixed: Loading icon was stretched in Pinterest, Masonry layout when option “resize to same width/height” was checked
* Bug fixed: Term as heading does not work for non-latin language (chinese, russian…)
* Update: CSS improvements for Pinterest layout, custom field

Version 2.5

* New feature: Able to open Full thumbnail in light box
* New feature: Able to resize thumbnail to same width, height
* Bug fixed: Did not display image/icon when query Media files
* Bug fixed: Round border for hover box when Thumbnail style is ‘Rounded’
* Improvement: Better default thumbnail image