* Fix: Conflict with Javascript library (imagesLoaded)
Version 3.6.2
March 31, 2016* New: Able to show terms (with thumbnail, title, description) on most layouts (view sample)
* New: [Style Setting] Add “Hover animation”, “Caption (Scrollable list)” background color setting (they were configured via Content’s background color in prior versions)
* New: Able to show X posts of each selected terms (X is an input number)
* New: [Reuse View] Able to create complex filters by reusing taxonomy settings (view doc)
* Fix: Title hover color does not work in Collapsible list
* Update: Remove default font-size in some View elements
* Update: Disable Line up fields when enable Shuffle Filter (it caused some minor style issues)
* Update: Hide “Hide this post” button by default
* Tweak: Add description under “Custom size” setting when images are not same size
* Tweak: Add filter to “exclude another field on mouse over”, “change loading icon” by custom PHP code
* Improvement: Styles for Pinterest, Glossary list, Hover animation
Random order doesn’t work on WP Engine Hosting
March 24, 2016If you are using WP Engine, you can face a problem: random order doesn’t work.
The reason is ORDER BY RAND()
(the MySQL function used to order items randomly) was disabled by WP Engine by default.
If you are using WP Engine, please enable it if you want to order posts randomly.
Best regards,
Version 3.6.1
March 12, 2016* Fix: Conflict with themes which use MooTools javascript library 1.2.5 (mootools-1.2.5-core-yc.js)
* New feature: Add option to disable Hover animation on mobile devices
* Update: More convenient mechanism to require, install, update Content Views (main free plugin) for CVPro
Version 3.6.0
March 1, 2016* Fix: [Shuffle filter] Empty filter text in non-default language of WPML plugin
* New feature: Twitter share count are back! Fix performance issue when enable “Show share count”
* Improvement: Prevent errors of Masonry layout, Shuffle filter (caused by impact of script from theme/other plugins)
* Update: Show option under Filter Settings >> Advanced filters
to control behavior with Membership plugin (Ultimate Member, Members, Paid Memberships Pro) & Translation plugin (WPML, Polylang, qTranslate)
* Improvement: [Meta fields settings] cleaner structure, add option to remove slash (/) between fields
* Improvement: Style of Masonry, Shuffle filter dropdown
* Update: Able to reuse View with “post_parent” parameter
Version 3.5.5
February 5, 2016* Improvement: Smooth Pinterest/Masonry layout when do pagination
* Update: [Shuffle Filter & Pagination] Pull all posts of selected filter (term) on click
* Update: Supports “Members”, “Paid Memberships Pro” plugin
* Update: [Infinite pagination] Load posts earlier on scroll
* Fix: “No post found” with Polylang 1.8.0
* Fix: “No post found” when filter by taxonomy, with WPML 3.2
* Improvement: Style of WooCommerce price, Hover-animation box
* Improvement: [View dashboard] Add/update description, correct dependencies of some settings
January 20, 2016* Update: Consistent output for Pinterest layout across devices to solve problem with cache plugin
Version 3.5.4
January 18, 2016* Improvement: Best “line up fields across items” ever for Grid layout
* Improvement: Better description for settings of “One and others” layout
* Update: Hide post if no content found for current language of qTranslate-X plugin
Version 3.5.3
January 15, 2016* Fix: Google font works on preview but not on website
* Fix: Popup window (in Firefox browser) has no scrollbar when open item in new window
Version 3.5.2
January 14, 2016* Improvement: Better Masonry layout for small screens